Friday, February 25, 2011

Dinner Table

If I could invite any three people to dinner with me, they would be, my mom, my great grandma and my grandma Donna. I would invite these three people because they are the three that no matter what have always been there for me and that I will always love. My mom has made me the person I am today and made it so I am the way I am. My great grandma was always in my life, I would help her with her garden and my brother and I would go visit her at least once a week during the summer and as often as we could during the school year. I would invite my grandma Donna to it because, besides my mom, she raised me as a kid, I would go to her house Monday through Friday from 8:30ish in the morning to around 4 in the afternoon until 1st grade and then it was just during the summer and breaks from school. She is my second mom and she is also the reason I am the way I am today.

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