Monday, February 28, 2011

The house was made of…

The house was made of wobbly wood and sturdy steel. The yard was a mess with a wagon in the front with only one wheel. At night the stars would twinkle above in the dark sky. In the morning when the sun came out if you looked at the house you had to squint because the shine off the steel. There was an old woman and old man that lived in the house. The old woman was a little gabby and the man was the only one that could tune her out if he wanted to. When the wind blew, the house would shake because of the wobbly wood, the only reason it never fell was the sturdy steal on the outside of it. During storms the pitter patter of the rain hitting the ceiling would put the man and woman asleep no matter what time it was. One day they woke up and the one wheeled wagon, had no wheels, so the man went to the backyard and rustled around. He found a new wheel and put it on the wagon, it was a one wheeled wagon once again.

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